b'TOUCH MESHTRM222 TRM221 TRM220HIGH BACK WITHHIGH BACK WITH FIXED ARMS HIGH BACK WITHOUT ARMHEIGHT ADJUSTABLE ARMSBand ABand BBand CBand DBand E SeatSeatSeatOverallOverallWidthHeightDepthWidthHeightTRM222230240252262280500450-600480680910-1170FABRIC BANDSDIMENSIONS (mm)TRM221 208218223240258500450-600480610910-1170TRM220193203215225243500450-600480500910-1170standard features optional featuresBreathable black mesh back rest as standard. LargeThe following are optional extras to the range.contoured seat. Height adjustable back rest and permanent contact back mechanism.mesh coloursadd 27 Polished Black SpiderSeat SlideSeat TiltSpider Base Base add 32 add 27add 60 add 22DARK GREY WHITE BLUERED GREEN ORANGEInflatable SeatPadFolding & X-4D Arm Pad add 42Heightadd 25Adjustable Armsadd 50 www.airseating.co.uk38'